1. share one's intimate thoughts or feelings with (someone or something), especially when the exchange is on a spiritual level.
2. feel in close spiritual contact with
Communing with someone is vulnerability at its finest. When sharing a moment of truth so pure, it creates an immediate bond or knowing. Whether we are overcome with this sense when sharing with another human or while having an individual experience with nature, we have the opportunity to not only know our external world better, but ourselves. During these times of connection we encounter a glimpse into the oneness (un) of us all.
I've always loved talking to people. Getting to know their thoughts and beliefs and why they've come to call them true. To peer inside a person's soul as they share their honest feelings is, to me, one of life's greatest gifts. I've had the honor to connect with people throughout my life and build relationships and share experience across oceans and timezones, decades and generations. The sparkle in a person's eye from communing with another is unmatched in beauty. The feeling of joy and kinship is unlike anything else. This blog serves as a way to share my stories of communing as well as a place to share my thoughts and commune directly with you.